10 Reasons to Never Stop Learning

10 Reasons to Never Stop Learning

       1. Better Job

Furthering your education may be the only sure fire way to land you a better job. A better  job could mean a world of different things; however what I am talking about is a job that you enjoy getting out of bed in the morning to go to. I've worked manual labor jobs, and I can speak first hand to the fact that every morning I dredged getting out of bed. With education, you are capable of finding out what you like and turning that into a job. The possibilities are endless.  This doesn't mean you have to study to have a desk job, but rather educate yourself about what interests you. This will help you achieve a job that is truly better for you.

       2. Stay Sharp

People who are more knowledgeable tend to hold conversations better, and be better critical thinkers. This is a very important skill to have in your pocket. Even if you are content working where you are working; spending as much as an hour a day learning new materials, will keep your mind sharp. After all the brain is a muscle, you need to exercise it if you want it to perform optimally. So go out, and read a book, take a class, or even just watch some ted talks. You might be surprised to see how it can wake you up.

       3. Gives Purpose

Learning gives people purpose. When you have something in mind that you want to learn, goals are generally formed. Take that goal turn it into a system, and you will see how your life transforms. When you really want to learn something, it makes everything else in your life a little more exciting. New paths open up, and the world is now granting you access to many opportunities that could not have even been previously hoped for.

       4. Stay Interesting

By pushing forward and continuing your learning you become interesting. It's fun having more to talk about, new experiences and greater experiences. Learning gives you all of these, it opens up boundaries and gives you the ability to relate to more, and more people. People will enjoy talking to you, listening to your stories, and feel inspired by your commitment.

       5. Being Smart Is Attractive

To be attractive is one of the most desired traits, by both males and females. Being smart is sexy, and a type of sexy that never is out of style. In-fact being smart is the sexiest thing in the whole entire world. So many people go to the gym to achieve an outer appearance that attracts others, and they forget to build themselves up on the inside. Being witty, and capable may be one of the biggest ways to stand out. 

       6. Become well Rounded

Having one specific expertise can be a good thing. You can't be great at everything so, you better be damn good at the one thing that you do; however, if you're only a one trick pony, that's not a good thing either. If you're reading my blog, it may or may not come as a surprise to you, that I'm not the best writer. It's true; I'm a math and science guy. I'm great at crunching numbers, and solving large equations; but, there comes a time when you need to be able to use the other side of your brain too. If you read my blog, you know that I love learning. I'm always diving into different classes and picking new skills up. That is exactly what I am doing right now, I am using this blog to become well rounded. By doing so, I am not only more relatable, but I can accomplish and achieve in a wider spectrum of life.

       7. Unlocks Possibilities

The biggest way to unlock doors, and create new opportunities for yourself is through education. People don't catch on to many things that happen around them on a regular basis until they become educated about that particular topic. By doing so they are becoming aware of there surroundings. This can only happen through education. By recognizing aspects of daily life that used to pass you by before, you gain the ability to change something about what you previously would not paid any attention to.

       8. No Adult Left Behind

There is no age limit to education. Education never stops progressing, and it would be a shame if you did. If you keep up with your education, then you will be able to keep up with the times. It is always a shame to see someone who is older and has fallen helpless to the turning of technology. Don't let this become you. Stay current with your education.

       9. More Money

If none of the other reasons are enough for you, then how about this. People who are smarter on average make more money than their less intelligent counter part. It's as simple as that, you learn more you can spend more. This is a snowball process, because the smarter you become and the more you spend the better you become at making the money in the first place. So if you learn enough this may escilate until you have too much money to know what to do with. A problem I would not mind one bit to have. Put in short, by learning you increase your value to an employer, and you can actually make significantly more money.

      10. It Feels Good

My last reason to continue learning is a simple one. Learning feels good. For all of the reasons above learning feels great. There is a sense of accomplishment that comes along with learning that you just cannot get anywhere else. The feeling of now you know something, and can use it to your personal advantage. No one can take this feeling away. It's a strange feeling. It also feels great knowing things and being able to recall them at a whim, making conversations better and increasing your winning arguments. I don't know about you but that always feels good to me. 

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